Friday, September 27, 2024

Listening to Your Drafts: Insights for Students and Supervisors

As I look back on my writing about writing, I realise there is something I sometimes say without much explanation: we need to know how to listen to our drafts. So in this blog, I am going to tell you a bit more about what I mean by that.  If you are currently working on your literature review, the practical examples I give here may help you develop your own listening process. If you are supporting other researchers with their literature reviews, these insights may help you when it comes to giving feedback, as this technique is useful whether we are listening to our own draft or someone else's.  

First, let's quickly review Huff's (1983)* three phases of drafting. Phase 1 is the generative phase, when you get your ideas down on paper in whatever way works for you. This is a relatively unmonitored phase when you actively want to encourage your ideas to tumble out, one after the other. In this phase, you can give your stream of consciousness free reign without worrying about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Just get your ideas down.  

Phase 2 is the more disciplined problem-solving phase, when you need to start sorting, sifting, and evaluating these ideas. Do you have an argument yet? Do you need to read more? Are you fairly considering the evidence or cherry-picking? When you sit down to write your first solid draft, are you making progress? Why or why not? Are you writing for hours at a stretch but just describing what others have said? It is during phase 2 that writing and active critical thinking come together and reinforce each other. 

Phase 3 is the editing phase, when you dot the i's, cross the t's, and look up the rules on using semi-colons for the hundredth time. While phase 3 generally should be done last and can, depending on the size of your document, be done in one sitting, phases 1 and 2 are not strictly speaking linear (you may drop back into phase 1 for a bit after starting phase 2) and will generally be done over multiple sittings. 

The listening I refer to here occurs in the second phase of drafting as part of the essential problem-solving process. Listening, of course, is metaphorical, as what I am really talking about is the act of noticing specific things in your writing that crop up when you are drafting and paying attention to what these things may be trying to reveal to you about your own argument or writing process. This feels like an act of listening to me when I engage in it, so that is what I call it. In the rest of this blog, I'll outline four things that might crop up when you draft and why you might want to listen to them in the way I suggest here.

Repeating Things: Any time you keep repeating something, such as an idea, a quote, a question,  or a position in a debate, pay attention.  When something like this crops up again and again, and insists on inserting itself even when you set out to write about something else, it is an indication that you need to think more about it. Simply removing repetition may feel like progress, but in order to truly resolve this you need to know why you keep repeating it. In my experience, repetition of this kind tends to occur for two reasons: 1) you haven't yet nailed down the steps in your argument, so your account is beginning to meander; or 2) you have hit on something important, but you haven't figured out why it is important yet. In the first case, sort your argument out and the repetition will most likely take care of itself -- the thing you are repeating will slot into the place it should go, and you will stop repeating it. If it is the second case, think carefully about this thing that you keep repeating. Is it important evidence you haven't considered yet? Is it something that disturbs the framework you have thus far assembled? In such cases, we might keep pushing a thought away because it is inconvenient, but back it comes, in the form of repetition, demanding to be dealt with. Listen to it. 

Asserting What You Are NOT Doing: Any time you declare My purpose is NOT to X; or This section will NOT go into Y, pay attention to that, especially early on in the second phase of drafting. Often, we set out with a certain structure in mind and the temptation is to stick to that structure. But early in our drafting new things emerge because we are still collecting information. The new information may at first look irrelevant, so we loftily declare there is no need for us to go into it. Later, however, it turns out that the thing we dismissed as most definitely NOT our purpose turns out to be the key to our whole argument. The early decision to dismiss it came about not because the idea was truly irrelevant, but because the structure of our argument was not yet complete. There are, or course, times when you do need to state that you won't be dealing with something, but that decision should be made when you are pretty sure you are finished with the second phase of drafting, not at the start of it.

Things That Come Out as Brief Asides: These are ideas that make their first appearance in your draft as though they are unimportant. They come out as quips on the far side of a dash, or comments in parentheses, or items shunted into subordinate clauses. Pay attention to these. While it may seem counter-intuitive, these seemingly dashed off things often turn out to be the key to something important -- an avenue you need to pursue or an aspect of your topic that turns out to be crucial.  They make their first appearance tentatively, but that is all the more reason to stop and pay attention to them. Try foregrounding them -- give them their very own sentences, start paragraphs with them, and see what happens. Have you learned something new about your argument? Pursue it. If, towards the end of your drafting, these things do turn out to be superfluous, by all means delete them. But do this because of a conscious decision, not because of an assumption. 

You Suddenly Become Overly Discursive: When we are secure in what we think, our prose tends to be clear. If we are still grappling with new ideas, our prose rambles. You can, for example, write There are four books on the table. Clear, confident, done -- you've said what you needed to say. Or, you might write Well, I was in the library, it was the afternoon and it was after lunch when I was just coming back and I saw this table. Oh, and I noticed some books. Four, I think. This is overly discursive, and notice that the important bits appear only as after thoughts. When you catch episodes like this in your draft, trying to simply edit them won't work because what you really need to do is improve your understanding of something. Do more reading, attend more lectures, nail down the point of confusion and then start re-writing. The greater your understanding, the clearer your prose.

* Huff, R. 1983. 'Teaching Revision: A Model of the Drafting Process'. College English 45 (6): 800-816.

Well, this turned out to be a long one! If you find this blog helpful and are UK-based, I now offer workshops as an independent writing and language consultant, bringing the content of this blog to life in greater detail and with opportunities for face-to-face discussion and feedback. 

If you want know more or talk to me about a workshop or a series of workshops, 

I would love to hear from you. 😊

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Announcement

Hello Readers 😊

I am delighted to announce that I can now bring you this blog as an independent writing and language consultant and founder of Writing Works Consulting! My mission at Writing Works is to help you achieve your highest level of achievement and professional fulfilment through more effective writing and thinking. 

For many years an academic at the University of Sunderland (UK), I had the opportunity to work with students and research staff in my capacity as a lecturer, associate professor, and research writing mentor. As I taught, mentored, and led seminars, I realised the work of greatest and lasting value – and most pressing need across a range of disciplines and subject areas – was all about writing, thinking, and drafting. 
  • How do you take a pile of random notes and turn it into a persuasive argument? 
  • How do you sort and sift through all your material to know what you should say first, and then next, and so on, until your conclusion?
  • How do you evaluate the information you’ve collected to communicate to your readers why it matters? 
  • How do you move through successive drafts of your own work with deliberate purpose so that your final piece is effective and worthwhile? 
As regular readers will know, unpacking issues such as these and suggesting ways that you can roll up your sleeves, dig in, and actually do these things when you are writing your dissertation literature review has been my focus in this blog. 📕✍ 

As an independent writing and language consultant and founder of Writing Works Consulting, I will still be bringing you this blog. The only difference is that I can now, in addition to this blog, offer live workshops! 🎉 

If you are UK-based, like the contents of this blog, and would welcome the chance to practice the techniques set out here with direct feedback and guidance in a live workshop, contact me today to discuss a workshop for your research group. I can also discuss options for one-to-one support. 

You can
I can’t wait to hear from you 😊

In the meantime, happy writing, thinking, and drafting! 📒🤔✍️ 

Friday, September 6, 2024

I Should Start with an Outline, Right?

It is that time of year again. August has drawn to a close and we are now into September. The shops have their school stationary front and centre – pens of all kinds, piles of printer paper, shiny new notebooks in all manner of designs, just waiting for your brilliant ideas. Ah, yes – the start of the academic year. 

If you’re an MA student or a doctoral candidate, these golden days on the cusp of autumn may find you embarking on your dissertation, which typically starts with your literature review. What’s out there on your topic? What do we already know, or think we know? What is the lay of the land in your subject? As the autumn sunshine streams through your window, you’ll be digging into a stack of research articles and filling up one of your shiny new notebooks or its electronic equivalent. 

So what do you do with all this material you are collecting – all the findings, all the quotes, all the conclusions, and all the thoughts you have about these things? How do you turn that into your literature review chapter? An outline!, you say to yourself in triumph. That’s how I’ll start. I’ll make an outline. And you turn to an inviting new page in your notebook. 

So that’s how you should start, right? With an outline? Well, hang on a minute there. I have been reading another fantastic book, David Allen’s Getting Things Done (Viking Penguin, 2001). While this is mostly geared towards defining and organising your flow of tasks to maximise productivity at work, an insight he shares applies here: if you haven’t actually written anything yet, what will you outline? 

When I work with people on drafts, they often ask Will an outline be okay? And my answer is generally something along the lines of Well, outlines can be very useful, but I don’t suggest it as a starting point. Here are 3 of the main reasons why. 

  • Outlines may make you feel like you are getting something done, but this can lead to a false sense of productivity. You might wind up listing topics you have read in outline format and if you then use that outline to write your chapter, you’ll end up with a description of what you’ve read.

  • Outlines may be a satisfying way to impose some order on your unruly collection of notes, but if you haven’t come to grips with what your argument is, the order you have come up with won’t be useful. An outline should reflect the structure of your argument. That is, your first point should be your research question, and every other point and sub-point should be your evidence, culled and curated from your reading notes, for why it should be asked. If you haven’t done that thinking yet, outlining is the equivalent of running in place – lots of energy spent without getting anywhere.

  • Outlining can be a very tempting displacement activity. Coming up with your argument is hard – we all face that when we write our literature review. It is just intrinsically hard. Producing an outline can be a way fool ourselves into thinking we are going forward when in reality we are just avoiding the hard bit of grappling with what our argument is. 

So what to do, especially if you are required to produce an outline? I return to David Allen: do some drafting first. Turn your notes into a set of cards, with one single sentence or idea per card. Why does your research question need to be answered? When you have 3 main points backed up by evidence from your reading notes that answer that question, you are ready to start outlining. 

Did you find this blog useful? Would more detail and guidance be helpful? I am now an independent writing and language consultant, and founder of Writing Works Consulting (watch this space for more announcements!) I offer writing workshops and specialise in workshops on writing dissertation literature reviews. 

If you are UK-based and organising research development training for MA or doctoral students and like the content of this blog, visit me on Linked In ( and drop me a message to discuss a workshop that is right for you. 

And if you found this post helpful, please share it with your networks.

Susan Mandala, PhD
Independent Writing and Language Consultant
Founder, Writing Works Consulting

Listening to Your Drafts: Insights for Students and Supervisors

As I look back on my writing about writing, I realise there is something I sometimes say without much explanation: we need to know how to li...